Friday, 10 October 2014


Oh my goodness - Every Breath is coming out in Canada, the US and the Philippines on October 14, only a few short days away.  Book birthday!!  Folks, this is such a big thing, and I can’t tell you how nervous and excited I am.  Yes, there are many feels.

I’ve been particularly thrilled by the way the excitement is spreading.  The blog tour dates are all lined up, and Cuddlebuggery is the last passenger aboard this train – the full blog tour schedule (Oct 20-24) is up here at the Tundra blogsite.  New reviews have been popping up all over the place, like this one at There Were Books Involved (so lovely!) and here at BookVerdict and here at Brittany's Book Rambles and I mentioned the Kirkus review, right?

I’ll be at the announcement for the Inky awards on October 21 – Will Kostakis (The First Third), Amie Kaufman (These Broken Stars), Allyse Near (Fairytales for Wilde Girls), and Claire Zorn (The Sky So Heavy) will all be there too, and there was some talk online about a WWE/Hunger Games-style Inky Author Smackdown…  But I’m sure we can be civilised about this! (I mean, unless you’d like to see us authors all battling it out…)  The event is open to the public, so if you’d like to come along, jet on over to the State Library website and book your (free) ticket.

I’ll also be at Clunes Library on October 22, and at the Little Bookroom with Kirsty Murray and some other guests on November 11, and no doubt you will catch me online, blagging about Every Breath in its new life overseas.

I’m gearing up for some big thank yous soon – my cup of gratitude and happiness officially runneth over.  But I wanted to say one big thank you first of all, to my partner, Geoff.

Geoff and I jumped the broom twenty years ago this year, and apart from our kids, he is the most important person in my life.  We have raised four sons together, and share two decades of memories.  People often ask me, ‘How do you write with such a large family?’ and sometimes the answer is ‘I honestly don’t know’, and sometimes the answer is my own discipline and sheer bloody-mindedness, but mostly the answer is ‘My partner’.  We parent and order the household together, juggling work and taxiing kids and other commitments, and splitting the household chores, but he will do the lion’s share when I’m on deadline, or in some other sort of writerly frenzy.

He is the one who revs me up, calms me down, prods me to keep going when I need it, encourages me at every turn.  We put up with each other’s foibles – my head in another world of characters, his footy obsession.  We talk about everything – everything.  He is my lifeline, and my inspiration.  And y’know, he’s hot (still.  After twenty years.  Uh huh.)  He would be mortified that I’m saying all these things about him in such a public space, but I would like to acknowledge all the whole-hearted care and commitment he’s given to me, especially these last few years, since the book-writing thing has taken off, because without him I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it.

So Geoff, I know I’ve included you in acknowledgement pages and dedications, and I try to say it every day, in small domestic ways, but I want to thank you – for the last twenty years, for love and devotion, for our sons, for everything.  I love you, darling.  Happy anniversary.

Xx Ellie

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