Monday, 29 September 2014

Inky vid and more Every Breath blog roll-y goodness

I made a video!  I know, it’s not exciting, because people do it every day, but I don’t (usually), and I had to get my son to film it, which was kind of hilarious.  It's a first effort, so it's pretty amateur *blushes* but you also get a little glimpse at my (extremely untidy) work space where I write books.  It’s to encourage everyone who’s 12-20 years of age to go vote in the 2014 Inky Awards – and here it is:

Did you hear the rooster crowing in the background?  Yes, that is one of our many roosters – in fact, we have an excess of roosters at the moment.  Because the chook pen isn’t finished, all the chooks are roaming freely around our yard.  And some of them are very loud, as you might have noticed.

Anyway, I don’t know why I’m talking about roosters when I should be talking about Inkys and the Every Breath blog tour!

The Inkys: like I said above, if you haven’t voted, the door closes at 5pm AEDT on Sunday 5 October 2014 – so if you loved a book on the list, and you fit the age range, go aheadand vote for that sucker.  I’ll be attending the Inky Awards announcement on Tuesday 21 October at the State Library too, so if you’re keen to come along and hear all about the incredible things that were done this year to make the Inkys happen, including chats from the teen judges, scurry over to the website and let them know you’d like to be there.

The Every Breath blog tour:  yes, it’s happening!  Excitements!  If you’re strolling around the internets between Monday 20 October and Friday 24 October, feel free to drop into any of these sites and check out reviews, interviews, giveaways and guest posts (and yes, maybe a video or two):

Monday 20 Oct
Raindrops and Pages
Journey of a Bookseller
Bookish Broads
Tuesday 21 Oct
The Starry-Eyed Revue
Sukasa Reads
Book Club Sisters
Wednesday 22 Oct
Love is Not A Triangle
The Book Wars
Priyanka Reads
The Reader’s Den
Forever Young Adult
Thursday 23 Oct
Michelle & Leslie’s Book Picks
The Paperback Princesses
Nick’s Book Blog
Friday 24 Oct
Ann Towell blog
Refracted Light
Love At First Page

We may still be confirming a few other sites here and there, but I'll let you know if more people join up :)  The thing I love about this blog tour is that it’s ALL OVER – these blogs come out of Ontario, Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Alabama…  I am still gobsmacked that people in so many different places will soon (after October 14!) be reading Every Breath.  A huge thank you to all the participating bloggers, and big hugs to the team at Tundra Books, who have done the hard yards organising it all.

So get ready!  It’s happening soon!

Okay, that’ll do for the exclamation mark usage.  Apart from book craziness, I’m loving being on hols, and my fave song right now is ‘A Place Like This’ by MajidJordan.  What’s going on with you?  Hope you’re well, enjoying school holidays if you’re on them, or enjoying school/work if you’re not, and have a good week.

Xx Ellie

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