Hi and welcome to our first book club Discussion Post!
Now, as book club host, it’s kind of my job to be impartial,
but this is the first book off the rank, and (hopefully) the only book I’ll get
to choose over the course of book club.
And I’ve got to say, I loved Illuminae – it shook up my head in the
best possible way. I’ve seen a few books
that have tried to meld the narrative aspects with graphic-novel style, but
this is the first book that I think actually managed to pull it off. From page one to finish, I absolutely could not put it down (I read it in almost a
single sitting) and I was truly blown away by the finale. Now I’m praying that Brad Pitt and his movie
production mates do the novel justice on the big screen.
So – on with the show!
Illuminae is reviewed by
Danielle Binks, of Alphareader fame, and she had some great things to say about
it, including this:
“Y’know how Battlestar Galactica is actually exploring religion and
civil liberty … Or, okay – how Joss Whedon’s Firefly isn’t really just an
intergalactic-Western? But rather it’s inspired by the 1863 Battle of
Gettysburg and the everyday people who are stepped on in the great moments of
history, and that it’s even a story of the immigrant experience and outsiders
pushed to the fringe by the victors in a war they never wanted any part of?
Yep, okay – well, in the same way there is a lot happening beneath the surface
of Illuminae.”
What did you think about Illuminae? Add comments below, or feel free to join in the Facebook group for discussion about this book, as well as general book talk
and a bit of silliness on the side.